Women I Love To Work With
Ruth is a qualified Business and Marketing Coach and a Course Creator. Ruth has helped hundreds of people build and grow the business of their dreams. Ruth has helped me increase my income whilst doing work I love, for clients I enjoy working with.
Nina is my partner in crime with Systems To Grow. We have known each other for years! Though we rarely see each other IRL we message each other every day and hang out on Zoom all the time. Nina knows her tech stuff, is super speedy and it amazes me how unflustered she gets.
If you need some stand out, scroll stopping brand imagery for your website then Susan is your woman! Virtually all the images on my website have been created by Susan. Check out Susan's Shoot Your Brand package on her website and my case study here. She will make your brand values and personality shine through. I use Susan's photos on my social media, blogs, email newsletters, invoices and proposals. I LOVE THEM. I wrote about Susan's service here.
For your branding, design and marketing strategy - Annette knows her stuff! I love working with Annette. She is warm, funny and has so many ideas. Annette designed my business logo for me.I wanted something that I could use on all my marketing materials which explained what I did and gave a sense of the calm and structure I deliver to my clients. I'm so happy with the results. You can check the final product out here.